HS, MS, & Youth Fall Travel Team Tournament

Administration & Logistics - Updated For 2022
- Who - 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030 and 2031 players
- Dates - Sunday, October 16th
- Location - No Offseason Sports, 904 Little Deer Creek Valley Road, Russellton, PA 15076
- Tournament Information
- Event Website
- Fields: Turf and Grass
2022 Waivers
- All Players must complete the Pittsburgh Fall Classic waiver - You can NOT play without the waiver.
- The waivers are online and links will be emailed to you in September.

Tournament Information
Rules (Click Here)
- All games will start promptly at the assigned times.
- Two, 22-minute running halves; teams change direction after the half.
- Halftime will be two (2) minutes, running clock.
- Continuous Clock, which will be kept by the field coordinator and communicated to the referees. In case of an injury in the final two minutes of the second half, referee will stop the clock and work with the field marshal/Director on correct time of the game when the game is restarted.
- One 30 second timeout per game per team. Clock does not stop; therefore timeouts cannot be called in the last four (4) minutes of the game. Penalty time does stop during a timeout.
- Only three (3) coaches are permitted on the sidelines during the game.
- Referees can stop the game for any reason that he/she feels fit. Examples include serious injury, weather, etc.
- Time Serving Penalties – Penalty time will be kept by the field coordinator. Penalty time served is time and a half. Penalty time stops on all timeouts.
- The official score will be kept by both the table staff and one of the game officials. The staff and referee will confer throughout the game and stoppages to ensure the correct score. Coaches are to sign the score sheet following the game.
- All substitutions are on the fly.
- Limited body-checking, excessively big hits and physical play (even within five yards of a loose ball) constitute unnecessary roughness and will result in a 1-minute penalty. The Tournament Directors and Staff consider the safety of each player our first priority and we expect coaches and players to understand and abide by this philosophy as well. The officials are expected to protect and promote the safety of all players.
- If a sidelined player(s) leaves his/her team bench to engage in an on-field altercation, that player will be removed from the tournament and their team may have to forfeit.
- Player(s) who engage in antagonistic behavior (verbal assault, fighting etc.) may be removed from games or suspended from the tournament.
- Officials and Tournament Directors have final say on interpretations and rulings.
- MERCY RULE applies to YOUTH DIVISIONS ONLY (not Men’s/College or 2023-2026) when there is a seven (7) goal deficit. This will be applied in 10v10 pool games (not 10v10 playoff or championship games) and all 7v7 games (pool, playoff, and championship). Teams down by seven (7) or more goals will be awarded the ball at midfield in lieu of a face-off. Team being awarded the ball has the choice to face off if they choose.
- The appropriate equipment and mouth guards must be worn by athletes at all times.
- High School (2023-2026 divisions) will play by NFHS Rules. Youth teams will play by USA Lacrosse Rules. Tournament Rules listed in this document supersede USA Lacrosse Rules.
- 2027/2028: 14U (Full stick checking is legal except for one-handed checks, body checking is legal but not ‘take out’ checks, ball advancing counts are used).
- 2029/2030: 12U (Normal longpole rules apply, man up/man down is played, some body contact and stick checking are allowed but body checking is illegal, ball advancing counts are used).
- 2031/2032 10v10: 10U (Max of three 47”-54” longpoles on the field, no man up/down, body checking is illegal, no ball advancing counts).
Schedule (2022 Tournament - NOT AVAILABLE YET)
The actual tournament format / schedule will be released in October. The general schedule is below.
- Sunday October 16, 2022 - Example Only
- 9:00 am - Game 1 Field 9
- 12:00 PM - Game 2 Field 8
- 2:00 PM - Game 3 Field 3
2022 Check In / Check Out (Tournament)
- Check-in will be from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM on Sunday October 16, 2022.
- Only the BR Tournament Director will check-in and check-out.
- Players DO NOT check In / Out at the Tournament HQ
- Players and parents should find the BR Staff Director.
- Plan on meeting us at the fields 45 minutes before your first game.
- Only the BR Tournament Director will check-in and check-out.
- We will email out specific instructions on where to meet as we get closer to the tournament

Lodging, Transportation & Meals
Lodging - (Parents and Players)
- There are no dorms included in your fees. All players and parents have to find their own housing.
- BR is not a travel agency - do not contact us about your hotel stay / booking.
- The tournament is using an outside travel agency. Parents can book directly with them by clicking on the link below:
- Hotel No Show Policy: Failure to cancel or check in at the above hotel will result in a charge of your entire stay to be billed.
What To Bring (Hotel and Fields)
- For the room: toiletries.
- For the field: game gear for five games; all equipment including but not limited to helmet, mouthpiece, shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, sticks, cleats, turf shoes etc.
- Water Bottles. Water will NOT be provided, every player must bring their own water and water bottle.
- Other: casual clothing for downtime & meals, etc.
- Money: not too much, but enough for pizzas at night, drinks during the day, etc. from the camp store, which will be located on the fields.
Transportation / Directions - There Is No Bus For This Tournament
- Please note that there will be no team travel arrangements for this tournament. Therefore, players are responsible for their own transportation to and from the tournaments.
- Any player needing a ride should contact coach Calleri immediately. He will help arrange carpools. Any player/parent willing to help out with carpooling should also contact coach Calleri so that he will know where we have room in cars. Thank you for your understanding with this matter.
- Specific Directions to the fields can be found HERE. Just enter your address or where you plan to leave from.
Meals - You Must Bring Money For Food As Most But Not All Meals Are Included
- The tournament DOES NOT provide any meals.
- The hotels normally have breakfast for the players included in the cost.
- All other meals are not built in to the trip.
- Therefore, the kids need to bring money to pay for their meals. Please plan accordingly.
Note: Please do not skip meals it will come back to haunt you during the games.